
weathered crust中文是什么意思

  • 风化层
  • 风化壳



  • 例句与用法
  • On modern weathering crust and palaeo - weathering crust of carbonate rock
  • A new model for determining the weathering components in red weathering crust over dolomites
  • Groundwater from the granitoid weathering crust is broadly distributed in southern china
  • An analysis of gas sources of ordovician weathered crust gas reservoirs in the central gas field of ordos basin
  • During the weathering of granite , groundwater from the granitoid weathering crust have special chemical compositions
  • This research demonstrates that this area is suitable for the development of large scale weathering crust and karstic reservoirs
  • In this thesis , we research into the geochemical data of the groundwater from the granitoid weathering crust of the fogang granite in baisha region , guangdong province
  • Our results indicated that ree concentrations of groundwater within the granitoid weathering crust in baisha area are high relative to many groundwater samples within granite weathering crust worldwide
    研究结果表明,白沙地区花岗岩风化壳地下水的稀土含量偏高,最高达到114 g / l ,比世界其他地区高1 - 2个数量级。
  • The results demonstrate that the pingba red residua is a typical in situ chemical weathering crust , and the material sources of the profile are derived from underlying triassic dolomites , the chemical weathering of dolomite can be divided into two stages : " leaching - accumulating trend " and weathering trend " , the stable teconic and whole weathering of dolomite should be the main reason for the development of thick and consecutive red weathering crust overlying dolomite rock in central guizhou
  • By digussing the key exploration area of each structural unit , this paper pointed out : ( 1 ) look for the paleo - reservior foemed in late hercynian and second reservoir formed in himalyan periods in the west part of bachu arch ; ( 2 ) key exploration area in the east of bachu arch is middle - low cambrian self - generation and self - reservoir inside primary reservior . ( 3 ) the exploration on markit slope should focus on paleohigh formed during late caledonian , residual paleo - reservior ( middle - low cambrian primary inside reservoir , ordovician weathering crust oil / gas pool ) and subtle oil / gas trap formed in late period
  • 更多例句:  1  2
  • 推荐英语阅读
weathered crust的中文翻译,weathered crust是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译weathered crust,weathered crust的中文意思,weathered crust的中文weathered crust in Chineseweathered crust的中文weathered crust怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
