crust n. 1.面包皮 (opp. crumb);干面包片;生活口粮,糊口之资。 2.外皮,壳;〔美国〕雪壳;【地质学;地理学】地壳;【动物;动物学】甲壳;【医学】痂;(酒等的)浮渣;水垢。 3.(事物的)皮相,外表,表面。 4.〔美俚〕老面皮,厚颜无耻,没礼貌;(人的)脑壳。 crust movement 地壳移动。 earn one's crust 挣钱糊口。 have a crust 〔美俚〕脸皮太厚;太大胆,太鲁莽,太冒失。 the upper crust 〔古、俚〕上层社会。 vt.,vi. 用外皮覆盖;结成硬皮;生痂儿。 The snow has crusted over. 雪在地上结成冰壳。
On modern weathering crust and palaeo - weathering crust of carbonate rock 论碳酸盐岩现代风化壳和古风化壳
A new model for determining the weathering components in red weathering crust over dolomites 碳酸盐岩上覆红色风化壳中风化组分确定的一种新模式
Groundwater from the granitoid weathering crust is broadly distributed in southern china 花岗岩风化壳地下水广泛分布于我国华南地区,是当地群众的主要饮用水源。
An analysis of gas sources of ordovician weathered crust gas reservoirs in the central gas field of ordos basin 鄂尔多斯盆地中部气田奥陶系风化壳天然气藏的气源分析
During the weathering of granite , groundwater from the granitoid weathering crust have special chemical compositions 花岗岩的风化过程,使其风化壳地下水具有比较特殊的水化学组成。
This research demonstrates that this area is suitable for the development of large scale weathering crust and karstic reservoirs 结果表明,研究区域适宜大规模风化壳岩溶作用的发生以及岩溶型储层的发育。
In this thesis , we research into the geochemical data of the groundwater from the granitoid weathering crust of the fogang granite in baisha region , guangdong province 本文研究了广东省白沙地区花岗岩风化壳地下水的水化学特征,特别是与花岗岩的风化过程有关的稀土元素含量及其分布模式。
Our results indicated that ree concentrations of groundwater within the granitoid weathering crust in baisha area are high relative to many groundwater samples within granite weathering crust worldwide 研究结果表明,白沙地区花岗岩风化壳地下水的稀土含量偏高,最高达到114 g / l ,比世界其他地区高1 - 2个数量级。
The results demonstrate that the pingba red residua is a typical in situ chemical weathering crust , and the material sources of the profile are derived from underlying triassic dolomites , the chemical weathering of dolomite can be divided into two stages : " leaching - accumulating trend " and weathering trend " , the stable teconic and whole weathering of dolomite should be the main reason for the development of thick and consecutive red weathering crust overlying dolomite rock in central guizhou 结果显示该剖面是下伏基岩白云岩风化成土并累积的结果,无其他外来物源,是原位风化壳;成土过程具有两阶段模式特征,即白云石、方解石的溶蚀酸不溶物累积和酸不溶物进一步风化两个阶段;长时期的构造稳定和白云岩整体溶蚀作用是黔中地区白云岩风化壳土层厚度大、分布连续的主要制约因素。
By digussing the key exploration area of each structural unit , this paper pointed out : ( 1 ) look for the paleo - reservior foemed in late hercynian and second reservoir formed in himalyan periods in the west part of bachu arch ; ( 2 ) key exploration area in the east of bachu arch is middle - low cambrian self - generation and self - reservoir inside primary reservior . ( 3 ) the exploration on markit slope should focus on paleohigh formed during late caledonian , residual paleo - reservior ( middle - low cambrian primary inside reservoir , ordovician weathering crust oil / gas pool ) and subtle oil / gas trap formed in late period 分析讨论了每个构造单元的勘探重点:在巴楚隆起西段应以寻找加里东期和海西晚期形成古油藏和喜山期形成的次生油藏为重点;巴楚隆起东段应以中下寒武的自生自储的原生内幕油气藏为主要勘探目标;麦盖提斜坡应以伽里东中晚期形成的古隆起,海西晚期形成的,现未被完全破坏的残留古油藏(中下寒武原生内幕油气藏、奥陶系风化壳油藏)和以石炭二叠为烃源岩的晚期成藏的隐闭油气藏二者并重的方针。